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Double success for the boys Under 19s

Double success for the boys Under 19s

Louise Thompson8 Mar 2023 - 20:15
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NAGs on Sunday - Kings on Monday

It's been a busy few days for the club's U19 boys' team.

On Sunday they travelled down to Bristol to compete in the NAGs ( National Age Group) competition. They played well and finished a creditable third place.

Then on Monday the Kings' U19s went to Northampton. They won the Silver Plate (strange name but effectively they won the competition). They won all their games, beating Abingdon (11-4), Colfes (8-6), Eton (yes that one)(7-3) and thrashed St Pauls (13-7) in the final. They had done well to qualify earlier in the year but to win amongst such esteemed company (all fee-paying schools with outstanding facilities) is a credit to them all. On top of that, this is the second time some of these boys have won this competition. Well done boys. You are an inspiration to the younger players at the club. A big thank you to all those adults who supported them on the day(s) and those who put in the hours at every training session showing them how it's done

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